Children of the heavenly king

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1 Children of the heavenly King,
as ye journey, sweetly sing;
sing your Saviour's worthy praise,
glorious in his works and ways.

1A Children of the heavenly King,
as you journey, sweetly sing;
sing your Saviour's worthy praise,
glorious in his works and ways.

2 We are travelling home to God
in the way the fathers trod;
they are happy now, and we
soon their happiness shall see.

2A We are travelling home to God
in the way our fathers trod;
they are happy now, and we
soon their happiness shall see.

3 Lift your eyes, ye sons of light!
Sion's city is in sight;
there our endless home shall be
there our Lord we soon shall see.

3A Lift your eyesand walk in light!—
God's own city is in sight;
there our endless home shall be
there our Lord we soon shall see.

3B Lift your eyes, ye sons of light!
Sion's city is in sight;
there our endless home shall be
there our Lord in glory see.

4 Fear not, brethren! joyful stand
on the borders of your land;
Jesus Christ, your Father's Son,
bids you undismayed go on.

4A Never fear, but boldly stand
on the borders of your land;
Christ, the everlasting Son
gives you strength to journey on.

4B Fear not, brethren! joyful stand
on the borders of your land;
Christ, the everlasting Son,
bids you undismayed go on.

5 Lord, obedient we would go,
gladly leaving all below;
only thou our leader be,
and we still will follow thee.

5A Lord, obediently we go,
gladly leaving all below;
Master, be our guide indeed—
we shall follow where you lead.

5B Lord, obediently we go,
gladly leaving all below;
only thou our leader be,
and we still will follow thee.

John Cennick (1718-1755)
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